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We are a Power Contacting, Goal Achievement and Coaching company that dramatically changes the Efficiency and Outcomes of Insurance and Real Estate Agents and Brokers in their Production.


Unlock Your Hidden Database Revenue!


Broker Frank - text - Set 3 Recruiting Appointments in 2 Hours of Calling
Agent - text - Just Got 2 Sales Leads in 30 Minutes of Calling
Howard - text - 50% of Agents Attended Training

Increase productivity for yourself

your team or agents and create an easier

more efficient system for recruiting and production

1) Our POWER CONTACTING Tools can help you set 1 or more Appts. per Hour:  2 to 3 Hours per Week --> up to 10 or more New Appts. per Month. With:  8 to 10 Hours per Week --> ??!! more New Appts. per Month.

2) Our PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY Program AUTOMATICALLY SYNCHS - with No Effort on your part - Contacting Results to your Daily Updates, Weekly Accountability Scoreboard, Business Plan and Conversion Rates.

3) Our WEEKLY COACHING Program keeps you on track with Weekly Prospecting Goals, Personal Accountability, Power Contacting, Hidden Database Revenue, Retention, Scripts and Conversion Rates.​​

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