your leads
your business
4x more appts.
"In 2 weeks I put a property under contract by contacting the people in my database."
- Doug Miller, OK
"Getting callbacks right and left, 10 in the last 2 days, amazing conversations!"
- Scott Tisdale, CA
"In 30 minutes of contacting my Ideal Agent list, I set 2 Recruiting Appointments"
- Howard Kronthal, WV
"Today I talked to my past clients who I hadn't spoken to in over 3 years = 2 Leads!
- Carolyn Hall, KY
"I set 3 appointments in 2 hours of power contacting"
- Frank Obringer, TX
1) Talk to 10 leads and set 1 or more Appointments / Hr.
2) Unlock your database income with our Customized CRM
3) Achieve 80% more results with Personal Goal Tracking
4) Produce organic leads with Collaborative Group Coaching
How would 12 more Appts. / Mo. Impact Your Business?
1) POWER CONTACTING Tools help you set 1 or more Appts. per Hour: 2 to 3 Hours per Week --> Up to 10 or more New Appts. per Month.
2) INTEGRATED CRM Technology AUTOMATICALLY SYNCHS - with your Power Contacting sessions, tracking 40 or more Phone Dials per Hour.
3) GOAL ACHIEVEMENT Technology AUTOMATICALLY SYNCHS - your Lead Gen and Income Goals --> to your Daily Activity Updates and Scoreboards.